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How to Live Your Death
How you live your life and your faith, day in and day out, will be a significant factor in how you will “live your death.”
Pssst! Thank God for Gossip
What if I told you gossip does have some social and psychological value? That seems to fly in the face of everything we have been told.
Sea Glass Chronicles: Picking Up Broken People
I scanned the horizon of the lake as I recalled meeting people over the years who had been buffeted, broken and discolored by life.
How God Walked the Factory Floor
Walking the floor is exactly what God did after creating the world. He even made an executive decision and fired his only two employees.
Waiting to Celebrate with "Touchdown Jesus"
A faithful Christian believer passes away, enters heaven, and begins to dance and prance as angels and saints pile on in celebration.
Are You a Force to Be Reckoned With?
This is the Jesus who shows us how to be a force to be reckoned with in all areas of our lives.
How to Ignore the Voice of Shame
Shame has a voice. It’s a critical voice telling us we are no good, inferior, and unworthy of respect.
Thank God for His GPS
Good thing we have God’s GPS to help us in our Christian walk, God’s Positioning System or God’s Purposing System.
Mental Magic: How to Overcome Mistakes
The ability to perform “mental magic” and make a mistake with all its attached negative emotions disappear is crucial to being positive.
Contradiction: A Pathway to Discovering God
How can the God of infinite love who is love itself, also be the God of judgement, a God of wrath?
How You Can Overwork Good Intentions
We need to prepare ourselves for service, plan how our service fits into our lives, and pray about it before making a commitment.
How to Face Crisis, a Life-Changing Experience
In life, our experiences do affect the way we react. And the way we react does affect the way we experience.
How Big Is Your God?
How we view our God also affects how we pray to Him. He is a God of abundance. He is a God of supernatural surplus and bountiful blessings.
How to Empty Your Shopping Bag of Guilt
Even though guilt is an indication of emotional distress, it can be a valuable emotion if dealt with in a timely manner.
How to Have "Whatever" Faith
These three Hebrew men stood up to the king and gave him a big spiritual “whatever.”
Step by Step, Stumble by Stumble
Whether or not you are a believer, the Lord’s right hand is always there to help lift you up.
Priceless: The Price of Presence
There are times when silence is golden, a simple hug comforting, spending time invaluable. The cost: priceless.
Why Humility Isn't Eating Humble Pie
The outward trajectory of humility certainly should be directed toward God and others. We are humble before God as fallen creatures.
Three Ways You Co-Create with God
As someone made in the image of God, you have the power to influence yourself and the world around you by your choices and actions.
How God Shines through Dirty Windows
I remembered that no one, no not one of us, is worthy to be used by the Lord, especially me.
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