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To Forgive or Wait for the Next Dance?
Forgiveness is a solo act before God. Reconciliation is a coming together.
What Kind of Tree Are You?
What kind of tree are you? Visit the Bible and meditate on what quotes about trees mean for your life and how you live.
How to Patiently Wait for God's Downloads
God is constantly talking to us. He longs for a close relationship with us.
What God's Snow Plow Can Do
In retrospect, I can very easily picture God, with His awesome power.
Are You Worried About Being a Worry Wart?
Worry can disrupt your daily life as you dwell on what could happen and not pay attention to what God is doing in your life.
How to Have a Spirit of Thankfulness
It should also come as no surprise that having a spirit of thankfulness is good for your health and overall well-being.
Remember the Song, "Walk Like a Christian?"
Your Christian walk is how you are living out the Gospel in your life in your spheres of influence (i.e. job, family, leisure, church).
Are You Driven to Succeed or Called to Serve?
The driven person drives. The called person listens and responds, answering the call from God, a unique call fashioned in the mind of God.
Having Head, Heart, Hands Happiness
We must use our heads, our hearts, and our hands. And when we know, love, and serve God, it is Jesus Christ we know, love, and serve.
Are You Managing Your God-Given Assets?
The Lord leaves no doubt that He wants us to use the personal assets He has given us.
How to Unleash the Power of the Gospel in Your Life
But that power is never unleashed in your life if you read and study the Gospel without living it.
How to See the Extraordinary in the Ordinary
God wants us to look beyond what we see, beyond the physical.
What If You Won 2,207,520,000?
When you manage your time, you are managing yourself, maximizing the gift of life God has given you.
Life's Low Beams vs. High Beams
Watching the road. This living in the moment is what is called mindfulness, even when we have short- and long-term goals.
Fishing Lessons: Patience and Persistence
The Lord knows exactly what we need to do fulfill our God-given purpose.
What Is God's Reverse Psychology?
Think of God the Father as the "great psychologist."
Is Your Personality a Fragrance of Christ to God?
We often look at other people and assess their personalities. Consciously or unconsciously, we see a recognizable order to their behavior.
What to Do When Life Double Dares You
What do you do when you face the giants you fear? Do you freeze in place or flee?
Being a Bug in the Rug of Life
We need to pause and look around us. We need to watch for God’s golden strands of involvement through the working of the Holy Spirit.
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