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How to Make Failure Your Friend
The question is not if failure will happen, it is a matter of how we react to it when it comes. Will we see it as an enemy or as a friend?
How to Avoid Poison Ivy People
To avoid infection, make a conscious effort to surround yourself with positive and productive people, and remain positive and productive you
How to Think Outside Your Box
In reality, thinking outside the box is ultimately thinking outside our personal box, outside our mindset at the time.
How to Empty Your Shopping Bag of Guilt
Even though guilt is an indication of emotional distress, it can be a valuable emotion if dealt with in a timely manner.
How to Have "Whatever" Faith
These three Hebrew men stood up to the king and gave him a big spiritual “whatever.”
Step by Step, Stumble by Stumble
Whether or not you are a believer, the Lord’s right hand is always there to help lift you up.
How to Get Comfy Outside Your Comfort Zone
Our comfort zone is a psychological state in which we feel at ease with what is going on around us and what we are doing.
Priceless: The Price of Presence
There are times when silence is golden, a simple hug comforting, spending time invaluable. The cost: priceless.
Why Humility Isn't Eating Humble Pie
The outward trajectory of humility certainly should be directed toward God and others. We are humble before God as fallen creatures.
Perfection: An Impossible Dream?
Pursuing the impossible goal of perfection is a positive thing, but when it crosses the line into perfectionism, it can get us into trouble.
Do You Play Hide-and-Seek with Yourself?
We consciously or unconsciously take diversionary actions to deceive ourselves as we redirect our thinking and that of others
Three Ways You Co-Create with God
As someone made in the image of God, you have the power to influence yourself and the world around you by your choices and actions.
How God Shines through Dirty Windows
I remembered that no one, no not one of us, is worthy to be used by the Lord, especially me.
How to Tame an Elephant In Your Life
Is there an elephant in your life, an issue, situation, or problem you do not want to deal with, but know it is there and needs attention.
To Forgive or Wait for the Next Dance?
Forgiveness is a solo act before God. Reconciliation is a coming together.
What's Your EQ?
Do you know your emotional intelligence, your emotional quotient?
Is Life Coaching the Same as Counseling?
Different from Counseling and Therapy Counselors and therapists diagnose and help people deal with their problems and past issues with an...
How Can You Have Tears of Sorrow and Tears of Joy?
Losing a loved one is undoubtedly a time to shed tears of sorrow. But why a time for tears of joy?
How to Resurrect Dry Dream Bones
Revisit dreams you once had that were never fulfilled and now lay forgotten and dead like dry bones in a deserted valley, and revive them.
What Kind of Tree Are You?
What kind of tree are you? Visit the Bible and meditate on what quotes about trees mean for your life and how you live.
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