Different from Counseling and Therapy
Counselors and therapists diagnose and help people deal with their problems and past issues with an emphasis on healing. While life coaches do not dismiss the fact that clients may have problems and past issues that need addressed by other professionals, the emphasis in life coaching is forward, not backward. It is solution-oriented based on the agenda set by you, the client. Counseling and therapy is not for everyone, life coaching is.
Promoting Personal Growth and Change
As a Christian life coach, I help clients promote their personal growth and change, give them an understanding of practical steps to help them be successful in specific areas of their life, and to help them discover and fulfill God's purpose in their life.
I customize my coaching track to meet the client's needs. Areas we may explore and address could include relationships, career and work, health and wellness, grief and care-giving of parents, and their spiritual life and Christian walk.
The Coaching Process
The client sets the overall agenda and helps set the agenda for each session. As your Christian life coach, I will:
Jump start your personal journey of self-discovery
Advance your self-discovery through skilled questioning
Actively listen to your responses for useful revelations
Review ways God prepared you--strengths, abilities, qualities, experiences
Encourage you to explore your beliefs, values, passions, and dreams
Empower you to recognize and deal with weaknesses, fears and challenges
Use the appropriate coaching tools and exercises
Motivate and encourage you when you get down or stuck
Keep you focused on the future, not the past
Help you listen to God's calling through the Holy Spirit
Create a vision for your life going forward
Set specific goals you want to accomplish
Define and begin taking actions steps
Hold yourself accountable as you answer the call
Celebrate your successes as your personal cheerleade
Most importantly, whether or not you are believer or non-believer, I will be your prayer partner at each step of the way, offering prayer during sessions or in private, depending on your preferences.
Is Christian life coaching spiritual direction?
Spiritual direction focuses on a person's personal, intimate relationship with God as they listen to God and find meaning in their spiritual journey, especially through prayer and the spiritual disciplines. Christian life coaching focuses on how that relationship is manifested in all areas of a person's life. Spiritual direction has a coaching dimension and Christian life coaching has a spiritual direction dimension.